- CXE07
Levett DZ, Fernandez BO, Riley HL, Martin DS, Mitchell K, Leckstrom CA, Ince C, Whipp BJ, Mythen MG, Montgomery HE, Grocott MP, Feelisch M, for the Caudwell Extreme Everest Research Group.
The role of nitrogen oxides in human adaptation to hypoxia.
Scientific Reports 2011;1:109
- CXE07
Wilson MH, Mark Edsell M, Davagnanam I, Hirani SP, Martin D, Levett DZH, Thornton J, Golay X, Strycharczuk L, Newman S; Montgomery H; Grocott MPW and Imray CHE for the Caudwell Xtreme Everest Research Group.
Cerebral artery dilatation maintains cerebral oxygenation at extreme altitude and in acute hypoxia - an ultrasound and MRI study.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 2011;31(10):2019-2029
- CXE07
Rodway GW, Edsell ME, Wong B, Windsor JS; Caudwell Xtreme Everest Research Group.
Sleep at Altitude: A Comparison of Therapies.
Wilderness and Environmental Medicine 2011;22(4):316-20
- CXE07
McMorrow RCN, Windsor JS, Mythen MG, Grocott MPW, Caudwell Xtreme Everest Research Group.
A novel ambulatory closed circuit breathing system for use during exercise.
Anaesthesia 2011 Mar 28. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2044.2011.06698.x. [
- CXE07
Holloway CJ, Montgomery HE, Murray AJ, Cochlin LE, Codreanu I, Hopwood N, Johnson AW, Rider OJ, Levett DZ, Tyler DJ, Francis JM, Neubauer S, Grocott MP, Clarke K; for the Caudwell Xtreme Everest Research Group.
Cardiac response to hypobaric hypoxia: persistent changes in cardiac mass, function, and energy metabolism after a trek to Mt. Everest Base Camp.
FASEB Journal 2011;25(2):792-796
Wilson MH, Levett DZ, Dhillon S, Mitchell K, Morgan J, Grocott MP, Imray C.
Stroke at high altitude diagnosed in the field using portable ultrasound.
Wilderness and Environmental Medicine 2011;22(1):54-7