Trek H- Hello Mudduh, Hello Fadduh!

To be sung to the tune of:

Hello Mudduh, hello Fadduh
It is snowing, we are freezing
How we wish we’d gone to camp at sunny Butlins

Take us home, oh mother father
Take us home with George and Bunny
Cos we’ve all got bums so runny
Please don’t leave us here another hour, another day

Hello mother, hello father
Things are weird at Everest base camp
Rocks sit on ice blocks, avalanches tumble
And the drugs we take make our tummies rumble

Take us home oh, mother father
Please don’t leave group H another hour
We’re hypoxic and we’re vomiting
And they say we’ll all have AMS by morning

No-ones blogged us, no-ones emailed
On the bike test, half of us failed
And the lab staff, though they’re well meant
Won’t let us watch blue movies in their mess tent

Wait a minute, it is warmer
Sun is shining on the Kumbu ice fall
Guys are showering, we feel cleaner
And we’ll all eat Everest apple pie this evening

George feels perky, we feel better
Mother father, please just dis-regard this letter