

  • Levett DZH, Jack S, Swart M, Carlisle J, Wilson J, Snowden C, Riley M, Danjoux G, Ward SA, Older P, Grocott MPW; Perioperative Exercise Testing and Training Society (POETTS)
    Perioperative cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET): consensus clinical guidelines on indications, organizations, conduct and physiological interpretations
    British Journal of Anaesthesia 2018;120(3):484-500


  • Levett DZH, Jack S, Swart M, Carlisle J, Wilson J, Snowden C, Riley M, Danioux G, Ward SA, Older P, Grocott MPW
    Perioperative cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET): consensus clinical guidelines on indications, organization, conduct, and physiological interpretation
    BJA October 2017

  • Hughes F, Ng S.C, Mythen M, Montgomery H
    Could patient-controlled thirst-driven fluid administration lead to more rapid rehydration than clinician-directed fluid management? An early feasibility study
    BJA December 2017

  • Martin D, Grocott M
    Oxygen therapy and the Goldilocks principle
    Journal of the Intensive Care Society 2017;18(4):279-281

  • Wischmeyer PE, Puthucheary Z, San Millan I, Butz D, Grocott MPW
    Muscle mass and physical recovery in ICU: innovations for targeting of nutrition and exercise
    Current Opinion in Critical Care 2017;23(4):269-278

  • Ward SA, Grocott MPW, Levett DZH
    Exercise testing, supplemental oxygen and hypoxia
    Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2017;14(Supplement1):S140-S148

  • Otto JM, Plumb JOM, Wakeham D, Clissold E, Loughney L, Schmidt W, Montgomery HE, Grocott MPW, Richards T
    Total haemoglobin mass, but not haemoglobin concentration, is associated with preoperative cardiopulmonary exercise testing derived oxygen consumption variables
    British Journal of Anaesthesia 2017;118(5):747-754

  • Jones GAL, Ramnarayan P, Raman S, Inwald D, Grocott MPW, Eaton S, Ray S, Griksaitis MJ, Pappachan J, Wiley D, Mouncey PR, Wulff J, Harrison DA, Rowan KM, Peters MJ; Oxy-PICU Investigators for thePaediatric Intensive Care Society-Study Group (PICS-SG)
    Protocol for a randomised pilot multiple centre trial of conservative versus liberal oxygenation targets in critically ill children (Oxy-PICU)

BMJ Open. 2017 Dec 14;7(12):e019253. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019253.

  • PMID: 29247112 Free PMC Article


  • Connolly B, Salisbury L, O’Neil B, Geneen L, Douiri A, Grocott MP, Hart N, Walsh TS, Blackwood B
    Exercise rehabilitation following intensive care discharge for recovery from critical illness: executive summary of a Cochrane Collaboration systematic review
    Journal of Cachexia Saropenia and Muscle 2016;7(5):520-526

Martin D, Grocott M.

  • Recommendations for perioperative oxygenation.

Br J Anaesth. 2015 Nov;115(5):802. doi: 10.1093/bja/aev321. No abstract available.

  • PMID: 26475816 [ Free Article


  • Martin DS, Grocott MPW
    Oxygen therapy and anaesthesia: too much of a good thing?
    Anaesthesia 2015;70(5):522-7

  • Coppel J, Hennis P, Gilbert-Kawai E, Grocott MP.
    The physiological effects of hypobaric hypoxia versus normobaric hypoxia: a systematic review of crossover trials.
    Extreme Physiology and Medicine 2015;26(4):2


  • Gilbert-Kawai ET, Mitchell K, Martin D, Carlisle C, Grocott MP, Jack S
    Permissive hypoxaemia versus normal normoxaemia for mechanically ventilated critically ill patients
    Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014;5:CD009931


  • Martin DS, Grocott MP
    Oxygen therapy in critical illness: precise control of arterial oxygenation and permissive hypoxemia
    Critical Care Medicine 2013;41(2):423-432

  • Martin DS, Grocott MP
    Oxygen therapy in anaesthesia: the yin and yang of O2
    British Journal of Anaesthesia 2013:111(6);867-871

  • Otto JM, O'Doherty AF, Hennis PJ, Cooper JA, Grocott MP, Snowden C, Carlisle JB, Swart M, Richards T, Montgomery HE
    Association between preoperative haemoglobin concentration and cardiopulmonary exercise variables: a multicentre study
    Perioperative Medicine 2013;2(1):18

  • Martin DS, Grocott MP
    Oxygen therapy in critical illness: precise control of arterial oxygenation and permissive hypoxemia
    Critical Care Medicine 2013;41(2):423-32


  • Hennis PJ, Meale PM, Grocott MP
    Cardiopulmonary exercise testing for the evaluation of perioperative risk in non-cardiopulmonary surgery
    Postgraduate Medical Journal 2011;87(1030):550-7


  • Khosravi M, Grocott MPW
    Mountainside to Bedside: reality or fiction?
    Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine 2009;3(6):561-565


  • Grocott M.
    Can altitude research benefit critically ill patients?
    Journal of the Intensive Care Society 2008;9(1):23-5

Martin D, Windsor J
From mountainside to bedside: understanding the clinical relevance of human acclimatisation to high-altitude hypoxia
Postgraduate Medical Journal 2008;84:622-627


  • Aref-Adib G, Plant T.
    Clinical Research on Mount Everest.
    Student BMJ 2007;15:427-470

  • Grocott MPW, Montgomery H, Vercueil A
    High Altitude Physiology and Pathophysiology: Implications and relevance for Intensive Care Medicine
    Critical Care 2007; 11(1):203

  • Grocott MPW, Johannson L
    Ketamine for emergency anaesthesia at very high altitude (4243 meters above sea level)
    Anaesthesia 2007;62:959-962